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Timeline Of Quitting Smoking

When you finally quit smoking, your body almost immediately feels not only the unpleasant repercussions of smoking cessation but the positive effects as well. After just hours of quitting smoking, your body starts a process of healing that will continue for years and will in due time improve your wellbeing and health.

The sad thing is that once you make a decision to fight your smoking habit, you do not necessarily look at its health benefits as substantial concepts, but rather as remote thoughts that may or may not occur at a certain point in the distant future. The solution is to become acquainted with what is known as "quit smoking timeline", which can allow you to monitor and identify your inner regenerative process. You might be amazed to realize that some of these benefits can manifest just a few hours after you stop smoking.

First Couple Of Hours

Within the first couple of hours after you've stopped smoking, your blood pressure and heart rate will decrease to normal or healthy levels. Moreover, your body's circulation considerably improves, and you may notice a warm sensation in your hands and feet.

After 8 Hours

Carbon monoxide (or CO) is one of the lethal components present in tobacco. In consequence, smokers have harmful quantities of this substance in their blood or serum. Fortunately, when you give up smoking, the amount of CO in your blood starts to drop in only 8 hours. As your blood CO decreases, the quantity of oxygen in your blood increases to healthy levels.

Twenty-Four Hours After

At twenty-four hours after ridding your body of cigarette smoke, your risk factor for heart attack decreases.

Within Forty Eight Hours

At forty eight (48) hours in the smoking cessation timeline, you begin to struggle with the most exacerbated nicotine withdrawal symptoms. A certain nervous regeneration starts, initially reducing your olfactory and taste senses, and then improving these senses hereafter.

Two To Three Weeks

Within 2 to 3 weeks after stopping smoking, your circulation will probably show considerably improvement. You can already take up exercises and physical activities effortlessly. Walking long distances will be trouble free. Your lung's function will additionally improve significantly, and coughing and phlegm would be reduced.

1 to 9 Months

Regeneration of your lungs begins within the following 1 to 9 months of your quit smoking timeline. The miniscule cilia cells inside your lungs begin developing and functioning once more. You will further experience a general improvement in your breathing, and your sinuses will be healthy once more. Consequently, you will be experiencing less and less tiredness.

After 1 Year

In about one year, your potential for getting heart attack or cardiac disease is reduced by 50% compared to when you were still smoking.

In The Long Term

Long-term, here are some possibilities to keep in mind: Within 5-15 years, you have the same potential for experiencing a stroke as an individual who has never smoked. Within at least 10 years, you benefit from a reduced risk of going through cancer of the lungs or other cancer types (for example, throat, kidneys, mouth, bladder, esophagus, pancreas, among others) that often attack chronic smokers. In about fifteen (15) years, your risk of contracting a heart disease (heart attack or coronary disease) is reduced to that of one who has never smoked.
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